Best Creative Reuse Awards 2015

The Association for Industrial Archaeology celebrated the European Industrial and Technical Heritage Year 2015 with the launch of the AIA Creative Re-use Award. The awards were announced by AIA Chairman…


2016 Conference announced

Telford Conference, 9-14 September 2016 Next year’s conference will be held in Telford at the University of Wolverhampton campus, renewing the AIA’s longstanding engagement with the Ironbridge Gorge. Full details…


Successful and stimulating 2015 Conference

In September 2015 members enjoyed a very successful, enjoyable and thought provoking Conference at Sussex University ably organised by a team from Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society. The Friday Seminar “A priceless…


STICK Conference 2015 : Collecting Steam

Conference programme can be viewed at // There is an entry fee of £10 per person (£5 concession) to be paid at the door. Reserve your place through Eventbrite:


2015 AIA Awards

The 2015 Award Winners receive their awards at the Annual Conference in Brighton. They are, from left to right, Lynne Pearson, Peter Neaverson Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Industrial Archaeology;…


The Atlanterra Project

The first four months of 2014 saw the culmination of a four year project that examined the valorisation of the mining heritage and laid the foundations for World Heritage Studies…


New AIA Award

A new award has been instigated for the Best Adaptive Reuse of an Industrial Building. Full details are on the Awards pages.  


The AIA has money to give away

Could your organisation or project benefit? Applicants are sought for the £500 Dorothea Award for Conservation. See our Awards page for more information. Since 2009 AIA has allocated £250,000 in…
