“I know someone who can help”
The Association has a wide range of very knowledgeable members who may be willing to answer technical and practical queries about the study, preservaton, restoration or presentation of industrial heritage or we may be able to put you in contact with other people who could address such questions.
If you have a query please contact us giving basic details about yourself, your organisation and the issue which you have: advice@industrial-archaeology.org
We will then attempt to put you in touch with someone who can help you.
We do not guarantee that we will be able to answer every question but we will do our best.
The service is intended for members of the Association, and enquirers who are not members will be invited to join, or at least make a donation. We will only accept e-mail enquiries.
Those giving advice offer their expertise in good faith, but neither they nor the Association will accept any liability for the information or advice given. It is the responsibility of enquirers to establish the background and bonafides of the respondents and take full responsibility in deciding whether to rely on any information or advice provided.