Vote for a Blue Plaque for Kirkaldy Testing Museum
The Kirkaldy Testing Museum in Southwark was recently nominated for a Blue Plaque by Southwark Council. In order to win, they need to get as many votes as possible.…
The Kirkaldy Testing Museum in Southwark was recently nominated for a Blue Plaque by Southwark Council. In order to win, they need to get as many votes as possible.…
From Elisabeth Blanchet : Chiltern Open Air Museum, Chalfont St Giles, Tuesday 23rd August 2016 Come and join us at the prefabulous Universal prefab at COAM. We will be…
“Mining History Organisations – Achievements and Challenges” A request from the Lecture Organiser We are very keen to provide a full set of good lectures over two days of the 2017 Conference,…
The official report of the Association’s activities and the financial statements for the year ended December 2015 is now available: //
GENIUS LOCI is an EU co-funded project. Its purpose is to draw attention to the heritage of small-scale industrial enterprises, to (re)valuate their heritage significance and to increase understanding and…
Archive editions The complete run of the AIA Bulletin from Volume 1 No 1, March 1974 through to Volume 20 No 4, (Bulletin 87) 1993 is now available as pdf downloads…
Mike Nevell writes: The recently passed Housing and Planning Act 2016 and the proposed Neighbourhood Planning & Infrastructure Bill were both mentioned on 18 May during the Queen’s Speech to…
The 8th in the East is thrilled to announce the details of our extra special Festival Weekend. The event, in partnership with University Campus Suffolk and supported by the Heritage…
The inaugural International Early Engines Conference (IEEC hereafter) will be held from 11th-13th May, 2017. The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of…
AIA Practical Day Speaking Up for Industrial Archaeology April 23rd 2016, Ironbridge Institute, Coalbrookdale Following from the workshop, Rob Lennox from the Council for British Archaeology (CBA) has produced a…