ICOMOS Lecture on Gorham’s Cave World Heritage Site
ICOMOS-UK would like to invite you, your colleagues and members to join us for our annual Christmas lecture, which will celebrate the inscription of the UK’s latest World Heritage Site,…
ICOMOS-UK would like to invite you, your colleagues and members to join us for our annual Christmas lecture, which will celebrate the inscription of the UK’s latest World Heritage Site,…
An Industrial Heritage Subject Specialist Network Event The latest Industrial Heritage specialist subject network event for the South West will be taking place at Wheal Martyn on 25 November. Friday…
2 & 3 décembre 2016 Hôtel de l’industrie 4, place Saint-Germain-des-Prés 75006 Paris Free of charge but register here: cilac@cilac.com Journée d’études des 2 et 3 décembre 2016
Call for papers Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site, UK 6 – 10 July 2017 Call for Papers deadline: 16th January 2017 From a log crossing a stream to a road…
E-FAITH, the European Federation of Associations for Industrial and Technical Heritage, was one of the partners of the EUmillenialsTOUR project, which aimed at developing educational industriaal heritage tourism. We invite the…
The Turriano ICOHTEC Prize (formerly ICOHTEC Prize for Young Scholars) is sponsored by the Juanelo Turriano Foundation and consists of 2,500 Euro. The prize winning book will be presented and…
The Suffolk Industrial Archaeology Society (an Affiliated Society of the AIA) has now published its upcoming events for Winter 2016 / Spring 2017 and they are now included in the…
What future is there for machines in museum collections? This programme will look at the current status of industrial machinery in UK museums and ask whether the long-term sustainability of…
21 October, National Railway Museum, York The programme will include presentations from local museums and national bodies which support the preservation of industrial heritage. It will also seek to explore…
The Greenwich Industrial History Society (an Affiliated Society of the AIA) has now published its upcoming events for Winter 2016 / Spring 2017 and they are now included in the…