AIA Spring Tour
Catalonia 12th – 18th May 2025
Catalunya tends to value most its heritage that distinguishes it from the rest of Spain. So the Romanesque and Gothic architecture, largely built while the rest of the Peninsular was under Arabic Muslim control, is treasured. Since the return of Catalan autonomy from 1979, the industrial heritage has been also valued, since it was also a distinct experience to most of Spain during the C19 and most of the C20. A unique territorial museum system was developed which built on the dispersed and specialised nature of industrial activities in the region, with some 25 separate conserved and interpreted sites, known as the Sistema del mNACTEC, the national industrial museum of Catalunya.
- 6 nights, 5 days of visits
- Barcelona based
- All inclusive price
Full details of included visits, prices and booking:
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Bell Casting Ohio USA

Blast Furnaces Voelklingen Germany

Brick Works Indiana USA

Briquette Machine Saxony

Brown Coal Extraction Saxony

Control Valve Voelklingen Germany

Copper Mine Sweden

Cord Making Normandy

Cruquius Pumping Station Netherlands

Early Blast Furnace Sweden

Early Generating Station Romania

Group in Wuppertal

Hammer Mill Saxony

Lunch in Bucharest

Modern Power Station Chechia

Newcomen Engine Ford Museum Detroit

Packard Plant Detroit USA

Ribbon Weaving Lyon France

Ribbon Weaving Machine Lyon France

Roman Gold Mine Romania

Scissor Stamping the Ruhr

Silk Threads Lyon

Slup Water Mill Moravia

Steam Railway Rhone Valley France

Steel Works Netherlands

Sugar Factory Netherlands

Underground Reservoir Lyon France

Windmill Hungary

Windmill Kinderdijk Netherlands

Windmill Netherlands
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