Usually in Spring, is the AIA Practical Day (or weekend). Formerly known as the ‘Affiliated Societies’ event or the ‘Ironbridge Weekend’ it is open to everyone. The day is usually devoted to a particular topic or theme and engenders much useful discussion and debate. It is a particularly informal and sociable event, often with related study visits.
In the summer each year the Annual Conference takes place in a different venue somewhere in the UK. We look at local industrial archaeology and history through lectures and visits. Whilst the main conference is over a weekend, there are also continuing events into the following week for those wishing to spend longer in the area.
Normally in May we organise a week-long overseas Field Visit
Normally during the Conference weekend the Association’s AGM takes place and the Annual Rolt Memorial Lecture is delivered.
The Conference is often preceded by a one day seminar and the theme is usually one of a national nature.
See more details of past Conferences and past Practical Days.