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TitlePriceNo. required
Caithness (2018) 40 pages full colour£2.00
Cheshire (2014) 78 pages full colour£2.00
Derbyshire (2005) 60 pages£2.00
Essex (2012)£2.00
Forth and Clyde, Central Scotland (2002) 64 pages£2.00
Hertfordshire and the Lea Valley (2004) 64 pages£2.00
Kent (1999) 60 pages£2.00
Lancashire (2007) 56 pages£2.00
Merseyside (2020) 132 pages full colour£7.00
North West Wales (1996) 48 pages£2.00
Northamptonshire (2018)£2.00
Somerset (2019) 80 pages full colour£2.00
South East Wales (2003) 60 pages full colour£2.00
Sussex (2015) 76 pages full colour£2.00
Tayside (2013) 80 pages full colour£2.00
West Midlands (1991) 60 pages£2.00
Wiltshire (2008) 64 pages full colour £2.00


TitlePriceNo. required
Ind. Arch. of Shropshire by Barrie Trinder£8.00 (re-issued in place of a gazetteer for the 2016 conference)


TitlePriceNo. required
AIA Tie, Blue£6.95

Back copies of Industrial Archaeology Review

VolumeIssuePriceNo. Required
Volume 1 £4.00 Issue 2  Issue 3 
Volume 2Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2  Issue 3 
Volume 3Issue 1£4.00     Issue 3 
Volume 4Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2  Issue 3 
Volume 5Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2  Issue 3 
Volume 6Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2  Issue 3 
Volume 7Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 8Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 9Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 10Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 11Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 12Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 13Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 14Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 15Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 16Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 17Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 18Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 19One issue£4.00
Volume 20One issue£4.00
Volume 21 £4.00   
Volume 22Issue 1£4.00    
Volume 23Issue 1£4.00    
Volume 24 £4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 25Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 26 £4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 27 £4.00   
Volume 28 £4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 29Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 30Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 31Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 32 £4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 33Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 34Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 35Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 36Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 37 £4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 38Issue 1£4.00 Issue 2 
Volume 39Issue 1£7.00 Issue 2 
Volume 40Issue 1£7.00 Issue 2 
Volume 41Issue 1£7.00   

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